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Global filters widget using Knockout

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Trickle is a global filters widget.

Trickle is a lightweight JavaScript module for easily creating forms and configuring options to create feature-rich filters:

The overriding design goal for Trickle is to make global filters as easy as possible to add and maintain. Global filters should be configurable and they should listen for and emit events upon acceptance.


Supported UI Elements:




Trickle uses a number of open source projects to work properly:


Just add the Trickle.js and Trickle.css files to your project and the dependencies listed above.


Instantiate a Trickle...

var filter = new Trickle({
  filters: {
    'rep': {
      property: 'RepNumber',
      label: 'Rep Number',
      type: 'select',
      selectOptions: {
        allowAll: true,
        sortOptions: true,
        bindings: {
          options: window.availableReps,
          chosen: { width: '300px' },
          optionsValue: 'id',
          optionsText: 'text',
          selectedOptions: window.selectedItems

Listen for the persistTrigger...

$(document).on('FilterPersisted',function(e, data){
  $('#vwContent').append('<br><br>FilterPersisted: '+
  console.log('FilterPersisted: ',data);

Trickle options...

new Trickle({
  current: window.currentFilter,      //optional - current state of filters
  id: 'FiltersDiv',                   //optional IF class="trickle" is used
  title: 'Trickle Filters',           //optional - title for filters
  url: '/Filters/UpdateFilters',      //optional - url to persist filters
  all: 'All',                         //optional - default value for allowAll property
  hidden: true,                       //optional - hides/shows filters with button
  persistTrigger: 'FiltersPersisted', //optional - trigger emitted after clicking Apply
  model: {                            //optional - optional model attributes
    displayFilters: window.includeFilters,

Trickle methods...

get - get the value of a filter property or the current filters object
var currentFilters = filter.get();
set - set the value of a filter or multiple values of a filter
filter.set('RepNumber', 'Brad');
    'RepNumber', 'Brad',
    'Area', '21'
changed - returns true if the filter has changed since the last time it was persisted
reset - set the current filters object to the original state And optionally set the value of one or more filters
filter.reset('RepNumber', 'Brad');
    'RepNumber', 'Brad',
    'Area', '21'
apply - apply the filters to the model as they are represented in the content filters
model - access the filter model, including all of the observables, arrays and methods
filter.model.slide(); // hide or show the filter content
filter.model.rep_value_RepNumber() // retrieves the rep filter observable's value

Filter options...

var filter = new Trickle({
  filters: {
key - the name of the filter
    'order': {
type - indicates the widget type
      type: 'select',
property - specifies the name of the property this filter emits
      property: 'RepNumber',
label - the label displayed above the filter
      label: 'Rep',
showContentLabel - shows and hides the label within filter content
      showContentLabel: false,        //optional
display - shows and hides the filter (function that evaluates to true)
      display: 'displayFilters',      //optional
error - message to display when validation fails
      error: 'Please select one',     //optional
selectOptions - contains options for select lists
      type: 'select',
      property: 'RepNumber',
      label: 'Rep',
      selectOptions: {
        isDictionary: true,
        allowAll: true,
        sortOptions: true,
        bindings: {
          options: w.availableReps,
          chosen: { width: '300px' },
          optionsValue: 'id',
          optionsText: 'text',
          selectedOptions: window.selectedItems
cascade - options for cascading to another select list
      cascade: {
        child: 'area', 
        options: w.allRepAreas
onPersistLocalOnly - if this is the only filter changed, send this trigger instead of the persistTrigger
      onPersistLocalOnly: 'QuantityToggled' 

Widget types...

    'rep': {
      type: 'select',
      property: 'RepNumber',
      label: 'Rep',
      selectOptions: {
        isDictionary: true,
        allowAll: true,
        sortOptions: true,
        bindings: {
          options: w.availableReps,   //can be object, function or array
          chosen: { width: '300px' }  //chosen.js options
      cascade: {
        child: 'area', 
        options: w.allRepAreas        //can be object, function or array
    'accttype': {
      type: 'multiple',
      property: 'CustFilters.AcctTypeId',
      label: 'Account Type',
      selectOptions: {
        allowAll: true,
        sortOptions: true,
        allowAllPlaceholder: '--All--',
        bindings: {
          options: w.availableAcctTypes,   //can be object, function or array
          chosen: { width: '300px' },
          optionsValue: 'id',
          optionsText: 'text',
          selectedOptions: w.selectedAcctTypes // must be Array
Radio buttons
    'quantityamount': {
      type: 'radio',
      property: 'QuantityToggle',
      label: 'Qty/Amt',
      options: ['Qty','Amt'],
      showContentLabel: false,
      onPersistLocalOnly: 'QuantityToggled' 
Checkbox buttons
    'labormaterials': {
      type: 'checkbox',
      property: ['IncludeLabor','IncludeMaterials'],
      label: {
        'IncludeLabor': 'Labor',
        'IncludeMaterials': 'Materials'
      options: {
        'IncludeLabor': 'Labor',
        'IncludeMaterials': 'Materials'
      showContentLabel: false,
      error: 'Please select one'
Date Range
    'delivery': {
      type: 'daterange',
      property: 'CustFilters.DateRange',
      label: 'Delivery Date',
      error: 'Invalid Date Range'
List Builder
    'location': {
      type: 'listbuilder',
      property: 'LocationFilters',
      label: 'Location',
      parameters: {
        'state': {
          label: 'State',
          options: w.availableStates,
          cascade: {
            child: 'county', 
            options: w.availableLocationOptions
        'county': {
          label: 'County',
          options: w.availableCounties


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